The View from Outside

Latest Quick Thoughts:

  • Creeping Dread
    I just got a notification on my phone for the start of Cubs-Cardinals, and I immediately thought “Do I want to do this?” That’s a bad place to be as a fan, and for a team. The daily sense that something new and unexpected will go wrong sucks the joy out of fandom FAST, but… Read more: Creeping Dread
  • Whatever it Takes…
    As Jim Deshaies said, I’m going to guess that I’ve never seen three straight bunts, and the nerve it takes to have both Patrick Wisdom and Yan Gomes bunt may just speak to the level of desperation the Cubs are feeling. The key is it worked, as both Busch and Hoerner came around to score.… Read more: Whatever it Takes…
  • Christopher Morel’s Foot
    If you’ve been wondering about why it seems like Christopher Morel is always fouling the ball off his front foot, you might want to look at this article by Matthew Trueblood at Baseball Prospectus. The short story is that the problem is related to swing changes Morel has made this season and to his exceptional… Read more: Christopher Morel’s Foot
  • Counter-Argument to Gloom and Doom
    Yes, the Cubs had a bad loss on Saturday. Yes, the Cubs are facing the best the Cardinals have on Sunday. After a long rain delay. After which they need to get to Milwaukee in time for a 1:00 game Monday. It’s easy to look at all that and immediately feel like the slump is… Read more: Counter-Argument to Gloom and Doom
  • Porter Hodge Throws Strikes…
    And good things happen. At least that’s something to take away from tonight.